The Future Is Now: Intensive Therapy Services
Did you know that weekly counseling sessions were designed with insurance companies in mind and don't necessarily best meet the needs of the modern day therapy client? Within self-pay counseling practices like Becoming Counseling, intensive counseling work happens frequently and may be a great fit for your current needs. Read below to find out more.
EMDR Intensive Counseling Sessions
Imagine an area of your life that you constantly feel is holding you back? You're going through your life, happy and engaged in fun projects and relationships you enjoy and then "Bam!" here it is again holding you back from being the best version of yourself again. It's taking up energy your need to have the relationships and lifestyle you know is within your reach by constantly intruding when you don't need it to. Have it pictured? Great.
Now imagine that area of your life potentially drastically improved within a long day or a few half days of counseling. Think that something that has held you back for so long couldn't possibly go away that quickly. Think again. EMDR therapy has a ton of research supporting it's effectiveness and works amazing in an intensive setting.
In intensive work, you set aside a longer period of time (2 hours, 4 hours or 6 hours) and do focused work on past events that are holding you back in the your current life. For busy entrepreneurs, parents, or those whose schedules make weekly counseling difficult, EMDR Intensives can be a great option to help with childcare or scheduling barriers.
Topics that tend to work well for EMDR Intensives:
- Birth Trauma
- Grief and Loss
- Relationship Hurts & Betrayals
- Job Loss or Career Failures
- Test anxiety and Academic Performance Issues
- Isolated Traumatic Events (ex: hospital stays, car accidents, weather-related incidents)
EMDRIA is a great resource to find out more about EMDR Therapy and its uses in therapy:
Check them out here: www.emdria.org
Pricing for EMDR Intensive Work
Ashton Jimenez, MS, LPC-S Currently Provides EMDR Intensives at the following rates:
Initial Consultation (80 minutes for non-established clients): $150
Two Hour Intensives (110 minutes): $300
Four Hour Intensives (225 minutes with breaks as needed): $600
Six Hour Intensives (360 minutes with breaks as needed): $900